
192/365 I don’t really know how to bake, but one of my best friends was making these little cheese cake things with raspberry swirls. They were awesome! grin emoticon Camera: Canon EOS M3 Lens: Canon EF-M 22mm Iso: 5000 (This is what happens when I let people play with my camera and I don’t check settings) F-Stop: F2.0 Shutter: 1/500 Lighting: Available

I don’t really know how to bake, but one of my best friends was making these little cheese cake things with raspberry swirls. They were awesome! 😀
Camera: Canon EOS M3
Lens: Canon EF-M 22mm
Iso: 5000 (This is what happens when I let people play with my camera and I don’t check settings)
F-Stop: F2.0
Shutter: 1/500
Lighting: Available

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